May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

Sunday, November 21, 2010


A day late but lots to be thankful for this weekend:

1. I took Ashley's concealed carry permit class on Saturday and passed! He wanted to me to take it and I said sure and then when the day came, I was rather nervous about passing the written test and really nervous about the test on the range where I would have to do actual shooting. But I passed!!

2. Ashley was proud of my shooting. That felt really really good!

3. The day went smoothly. I was nervous about being a mom, a wife, a student, an assistant and providing the food for the day but it all worked out well. The boys did GREAT! I was so relieved and so proud of them. The timing went well for Elijah, the food was ready on time, and I truly learned things.

4. Got everyone ready on time for church this morning. And had a good breakfast.

5. Got the house picked up today. The last couple days have been really busy and the house and dishes reflected this. Dishes are done and laundry is in process. I need to have it done to start packing!

6. All of us riding 4-wheelers. Elijah just looks all around and takes it in. The weather was nice and it felt good to be outside. The leaves are just gorgeous.

7. All of us singing together on the way to church. Jonathan and Ashley are certain Elijah likes the music loud!

8. Eating yummy Mexican food for lunch today.

9. I made some good sweet tea. I do not make the best tea. But it worked today. Not too sweet but sweet enough. It is a little indulgence. I get the caffeine free kind of tea bags. Not sure why I have trouble with something simple like tea. My sister Nikki makes good tea. Of course she makes it really sweet!

10. Elijah in the bath. He laughs and kicks. And he smells so yummy afterwards.

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