May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

Monday, November 29, 2010


Not sure if it is just fatigue from the excitement of traveling and seeing family and way too much driving. Or if it is not feeling the best and worrying about a sick Ashley and a sick Jonathan. Or if it is post traveling mess of laundry, grocery needs, adjusting back to schedules and off sugar highs of travel snacks. Or if it is a mix of feelings and worries and battles to get truth straightened out in my mind instead of focusing on emotions which are so momentary.

Whatever it is, I am tired and feeling empty. I want to catch up on the days I missed. I just saw all my family and have many many things to be thankful for, but I am sort of blue. So I am going to just focus on now and write for today and start fresh again tomorrow. November is almost over. I need to decide what I will do for December. I really did lose the challenge to myself so maybe I can try again in someway in December. and I need to get some more pictures up. Jonathan and Elijah are too cute not to show off!! :)

1. We are not driving right now!!!!!!!!!!
2. Jonathan's cough is sounding a little better. I feel horrible for letting it go this long and am thankful it is hopefully getting better. He has been sick more in the last couple months than in his whole life it seems. I guess it is school and so many more germs.
3. My nephew Mac calls Jonathan "Johnny" and it is just precious to hear in his little voice. His sister Cammi is starting to call him that too. I love hearing Mac say "Hi Johnny" or "I want to sit by Johnny." I don't think anyone else would get by with calling him that. It was great to see them playing together again.
4. I bought a couple new soap dispensers. Usually I just get the big jug and refill the dispensers we have but one was getting really icky and we needed one for the bathroom at the shooting range. So I got two new ones the other day and so enjoy how the soap smells! It is the little stuff. :)
5. Playing Zingo with Jonathan and Ashley. We had been playing games a lot in the evening a few months ago but have not done much lately. It was fun to do again. Jonathan is competitive and likes to win. Everything is always a lesson! Sometimes that is exhausting. Elijah did great just watching and listening and babbling away.

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