May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Does this mean I lost?

So I have missed a couple days. Not sure if this means I lost the challenge? But since I am the one who created the challenge, I guess I create the rules. So I am hereby adding this clause: "if at any point, due to the participant's life or others' needs or exhaustion or puking or no computer available or really any other factors, it is allowable to miss a day. the participant need only to attempt to makeup the days if possible or simply begin anew."
I think I like making my own rules!

So the following will cover the weekend:

1. I got to see a dream come true! Ashley held his first concealed gun carry permit class this Sat. this is perfect for him; combining a passion for guns and a passion for sharing knowledge. Ten people went through the class and passed. Must have been the good teaching!! The last month and a half has been busy getting the range ready and meeting all the state requirements and paperwork.
2. After a week of gorgeous weather, it rained yesterday. The range is not covered yet so Ashley was anxious all morning about the outdoor shooting portion of the class. It was lightly misting when they arrived to shoot; the rain stopped altogether once they were in the firing line and then began to really come down once they had handed out the certificates. The timing was perfect!
3. Mac!!! My nephew turned 6 on Friday. I so remember six years ago when I first got to hold sweet Mac. He and Jonathan have such a good time together. They are constantly busy building something or digging somewhere or riding bikes or plotting something. Mac is not the biggest on physical affection so the hugs I do get are extra special or when he lets me hold his hand a bit longer after we cross the street, it makes my day! His stories are always entertaining and his voice is precious. Wow, do we miss you Mac! We hope this year is wonderful!!
4. Water. This may sound like I am searching, but really it is because I cleaned up puke off the floor last night and I am so thankful for water to clean with and to wash my hand with, several times!
5. Diapers are washed! it is not the washing I am thankful for but that it is done!
6. We had pizza to eat Friday night. I have been craving pizza for nearly a month I think, and not the kind I make. So Friday we splurged. I had to get several, actually a ridculously full cart load of stuff to the point where it was hard to push and I was carrying several things and several people asked if I needed help!, things at Walmart and knew we still had lots to do at the office to prep for Sat. So Ashley picked up Jonathan from school and they finished things out on the range before it got dark and Elijah and I ran the errands and picked up pizza! We ate at the office and finally made it home about 10. The pizza was so yummy!
7. My role in playing with Jonathan today was to stay covered up with my eyes closed and stay quiet. He was fighting off the polar bears and rabbits and other wild beasts. I think I did my role quite well as I drifted off to sleep several times! It was good to see him have energy again after a day and a half of not feeling well.
8. Shooting skeet with Ashley today. Or attempting to! I think I crossed the line into redneck as I shot the shotgun while my baby sat barefoot near us in the stroller!!
9. The timing of a busy Sat went very well. We got everything delivered to Ashley class that we needed to and Elijah's schedule worked out fine and Jonathan was able to stay warm and rest and not puke until the evening.
10. Feeling hopeful.

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