May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I missed yesterday. We had this computer at the office and I forgot to bring it home with me and Ashley did not get home until really late so I had a decent excuse. Ashley's first concealed carry permit class is this Sat so this week has been really busy with preparing for that. So I am playing catch up tonight......

1. Watching and listening to Jonathan and Ashley throw water balloons. I got to fill a few myself. No wonder Jonathan loves his daddy so much. He is a lot of fun!

2. This is really materialistic, but I am thankful for our Jeep. I know very little about vehicles. Ashley gets annoyed with how little I know and how little I am impressed by fancy vehicles, but I have always liked Jeeps. I drove Ashley's dad's Lincoln for almost a year. I felt like an old person. But was thankful to have a car. Now I get to drive this cool looking silver Jeep!

3. This one is HUGE! Last night when I talked to my mom, she was safe and cozy on their couch. A year ago last night, she fell through our attic to our garage cement floor and broke her neck and arm. She was in tremendous pain for quite some time. I am so very thankful that God heals and chose to heal my mom. I will never forget seeing her fall and the sheer terror of that moment.

4. Remembering a year ago made me also very thankful to not be in the moving process right now!! :)

5. I have to say the weather again. It has just been exquisite!!

6. A really good hamburger yesterday. I love to have lettuce, tomato, pickles, cheese, all the works on a hamburger or sandwich. It was a treat!

7. Jonathan's good attitude about leftovers tonight. He usually is pretty good about eating leftovers but by the third meal, he is tired of it too. Both Ashley and I don't like to waste food, and tonight we all got home late and hungry. I was thankful to have soup leftover and receptive mouths!!

8. A lady who gave extra effort to help me. I am trying to help Ashley with something and really don't know what I am doing. This lady was very kind and gave me some great information that will be very helpful. And she didn't have to do it.

9. Singing for Elijah. He really responds to music. even my pitiful attempts at it!

10. Sleep, sweet sleep.

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