May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

Saturday, January 30, 2010


We had a gorgeous 6" snow on Friday. It was a day to store away in my heart. Ashley stayed home with us and we went out on the four wheeler. They get a little too crazy for me but it was still such fun! The ducks and swans were fun to watch in the snow and to see their footprints.
The flakes were huge and thick and you could catch them on your tongue. It was quiet and peaceful and just made me marvel yet again at the details God gives us in his creation to enjoy.

Snow is extra beautiful when it is untouched I think. And then oh so fun to be the ones to tromp through it first! Jonathan and I made doughnuts in the afternoon. They were only the made from refrigerator biscuit kind so quite simple. I think I would like to try from scratch sometime thought I certainly cannot rationalize one nutritional reason for eating doughnuts. Purely for the yummy taste and the memories. My mom used to make them for us sometimes so made me miss her and home! Several got a little burned but with frosting and eating still warm they all disappeared mightly quickly and Ashley was impressed with was fun. It was great to just hang out and we even had left overs from the day before so I didnt have to cook for supper which is always a treat!!

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